important terms of power triangle & power factor

true power (P)

passing current  in a circuit is from source to circuit  load is called power. and how much power consumed in circuit called active power or true power.



reactive power (Q)

power is consumed only in resistor , inductor and capacitor element which is not exact consume but it kept  some energy and return to main supply after cycle that called reactive power.


apprent power (s)

the Mathematically pythagorous combination between active power and reactive power is called apprent power of circuit.

S= V×I 

power factor

the apprent power Drawn by a any circuit  has two attached componenet is true power and another is reactive power. in the circuit true power is kept Greater much higher can because true power is useful wattful component of circuit, this is always possible by Reducing as you can in reactive power component.that means apprent power of a Circuit by the circuit is measure of its effectiveness in utilising the apprent drawn by it.the greter the powerfactor of a circuit then greater its ability its ability to use apprent power . if pf is 0.6 of a circuit means that its utilising its apprent power only 60% where pf is stand 1.0 then it use 100% apprent power of circuit.

disadvantages of low power factor

the power factor in alternating power play an import role in whole electrical system. power factor  depends upon some factor we discuss below.


it is clear from the above equation that fixed power and voltage  the load current is inversely proportional in the power factor. smaller the power factor  higher its load current and higher the pf then smaller the load current.

1) large mVA rating

the all electrical machine Always rated in mva ( transformer , generator) so we see calculation Equatorial 


it above eqation Clearly say that mVA is inversely proportional to power factor.the smaller the powerfactor the lagrge MVA rating we need and our machine made Inconvenience and much expensive then required.

2) bigger conductor size

lower the powerfactor we need  more current carrying in conductor.then more current flow we need larger core cable and more thick insulation on. so this is expensive .

3) Expanding Losses

the larger current flowing due to low powerfactor causes high I2R losses occur in system then overall down efficiency of systems.

4) poor voltage regulation

the larger current flow at lagging powerfactor causes voltage drop in various electrical device like transformer , generator . so , reduced voltage available for devicesthen devices overall efficiencies down.

powerfactor correction

improving efficiency of circuit or  powerfactor is called powerfactor correction.

here show diagram of adding reactive mvar by adding capacitor for Achieving higher powerfactor.

powertriangle &powerfactor correction
powerfactor correction

powerfactor correction by adding Appropriate type of reactive load to the most domestic load are inductive, so powerfactor Usually lagging.therefore active Reactance load is usually needed to correct the powerfactor.  


 above all explanation we arrived at simply conclusion that power factor is most important role in our electrical system and we kept high during usage of capacitor in Parallel with equipment and balance power triangle so all term related apprent and reactive power be in balanced, lower the reactive power then increase active power and overall power factor.


1) what is power factor & its formula ?

power factor is cosine angle Representation between current and voltage. if current leg with applied voltage then we can said power factor of system is lagging.

POWERFACTOR (cos∅)=R( resistance)Z (impidance)             COS= ACTIVEPOWERAPPRENTPOWER=KWKVA

2) what is power and its types ?

power is multiplacation of voltage and current including powerfactor. and 3 types of power is 

1) true power (active power)

2)apprent power

3) reactive power

3) what is Wattless component & wattful component ?

wattless component:  an element containg inductor and capacitor is not consume any type of                                                  energy. it store and return to the main supply after some cycle. so energy                                             consume at all is called wattless component.

wattfull component:  an element containg resistor which consume energy inform of heat

                                              I2R. then its consume real energy so its called wattfull component.


4) what is reactive load ?

reactive load in aC power is out of phase of current and voltage and which is measured in term of VOLT-AMP(VA)

5) what is kVAR ?

kvar stand for kilo volt ampere reactive. its reactive power’s unit.

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